Teetering on the edge

Off in the distance, I can see something taking shape, and it is just up the road, it won't be long, and we are the ones who will live it, we are the ones.
I studied and studied and studied, just so I would recognize it when it arrived. And now I can see a light up the road, and I already know what it is, just like when you come up on a city on the map; there it is, just like the map told you, here it comes.
And the whole damn world is teetering on an edge, ready to fall. And the forces are gathering, and the storm clouds are gathering, and the fight over oil is already started, and now the God awful truth is taking hold, the overpopulated earth, political systems set up for sparse population unable to hold the explosion, and the crazy hell that breaks loose in their madness, only this time the fuel runs on and on because we are the fuel that fuels the fire.
2500 years ago, one of those crazy little kings took an army across a small tract of land and stole a small land, stole their men, wives, and kids, burned down the cities, led away slaves, it happened all the time. But this particular time the tiny conquered people was the remnants of the family started by a herdsman and two wives over a thousand years earlier, and God was faithful to this tribe, and kept them in that tiny king's city and kept them alive through all the crazy times, and kept them for two and a half millennia. Then in 1951-53 with a stretched out arm, God returned the remnants of a thousand generations, and brought that little tribe back to the land where their forefathers had been conquered, to the land where Jesus was born, to the promised land where Abraham wandered and wondered, where a thousand generations have been blinded, where nothing good seems to happen, and never much did.
And with that tiny unnoticed sweep of Iraq and Iran, in a moments time, almost too fast to realize it had really happened, God fulfilled his promise to that ancient tribe, and set the stage for the last generation. A promise Jesus saw 2000 years ago, the rekindling of life to the tribe of Judah, the rebirth of the nation Israel, the fig tree reborn, and now it began. The final generation lasts 70 or 80 years, likely the later, because Isaiah said the end would linger and we would have to wait for it but it would surely come. And men would give up on the day, and quit believing it would come, and they would no longer carry signs in the street stating the end is near because they would, like the children at the base of Sinai, give up on the return of the chosen one.
And now it is forgotten, and the hope is vanished, and no one expects to see a real return, no one looks for tribulation and the apocalypse and Jesus returning with all the saints in this generation... It's back to work for Pharaoh because there are bricks to be made.
But I figure 1952 + 80 years = 2032. So, it isn't over yet. If the final seven years were to begin in the fall of 1928, the resurrection will take place in the Spring of 1932. That still leaves plenty of time for the fourth horse. In the mean time the great tribulation is brewing as sure as New Orleans dikes were bound to give way. We are in the third horse at the moment: the black horse of economics. Soon the fourth rider will bust out. My guess is 2015-2022. Just ahead, right up the road. Exactly where the map of the prophets placed it.
Geez Days; you're a poet.
Are you ready?
Another chance, one last moment,
hold your breath,
because it is coming...
Off in the distance,
I can see something taking shape,
and it is just up the road,
it won't be long,
and we are the ones who will live it,
we are the ones.
I studied and studied
and studied,
just so I would recognize it
when it arrived.
And now I can see a light
up the road,
and I already know what it is,
just like when you come up on a city
on the map;
there it is,
just like the map told you,
here it comes.
© Days
that is a pretty cool poem, you seperated the lines just perfect. Of course it takes a poet to see the poem in the blog. You did this a couple of times before; I can't describe the feeling of looking back at the writing and seeing it from your perspective; here suddenly is a poem; it is an amazing feeling.
I hope it's okay with you, but I'm gonna post this on Kville in the poetry section.
Happy New Year, Days!
Happy New Years, cat!!
I was just getting your comment for a post responding to sandalphon on Fraywatch; talk about timing.
My only New Year's resolution is to pick back up on my blog. Hope the new year is kind to you; sprinkle some Chicago love into your frigid Montana months and stay warm.
:) Days
This is very dramatic. Nicely Done. I hope you stick to your New Year's resolution, and continue to blog.
You've been tagged, sweetie!
Go ahead and post your answers to the same questions I answered, but post it here on your site as a new entry.
I've messed up with the URL, Days.
You wanna go here
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