Land of Entitlement

The funny thing about the game of Monopoly is that the game gives the impression that there is a physical certificate of title. (Which they call "Deeds" even though a deed is merely a transfer of title and does not certify ownership; the deeds are then recorded, which passes title but in and of itself is not proof of title) In the real world you need a chain of title to prove ownership. Title is really an opinion; the legal opinion of the state.
Since ownership of the new world began with the natives; the cloud on title is the missing link between the natives and the European settlers. This is more than just a legal question, the missing link in the European mindset is the idea of entitlement and it's application to the new world.
In the final analysis, Title is merely a claim of European aristrocracy to everything they can lay their hands on. They come into contact with some thing and they kill to take it. Your right of ownership lies squarely on the ability of the state to kill to uphold whatever dictums it desires to enforce. You own your house as a fellow murderer in the ranks of those who exterminated the natives and stole their land. As I look forward to buying my first house I am fully aware that this is the blood agreement that I enter into when I close on the home.
What entitled the white man to come here and claim every acre he desired? The guns he brought with him, and the lawyers... and the money he brought also. So with this trinity of unholy force; Lawyers, guns, & money, the white man murdered and stole and settled. He then built courthouses in every county and in those courthouses he kept records of how he now is the rightful owner of this land according to his own declaration that he is entitled to it. After killing the natives and destroying the land itself, this is his just domain.
America; Land of Entitlement.
This is excellent stuff Days! You are absolutely right about the power of the state being the power of coercion! One way to quietly bring them down is simply to stop using the greenback and deal strictly with either gold or liberty dollars backed by precious metals. You can't fight the beast head on but you can sure as hell starve him to death. It is the deceptiive power of fractional banking that makes them so strong. Using real standard based currency will totally destroy their ability to enforce.
yeah, you know the biggest thing to happen in the USA in the last half century was when JFK put out the real Constitutional money. That would have stopped the evil again just like Andrew Jackson did, but they shoot to kill. These days the paper money is so stretched it will most likely fold within the next decade. It's not 1963 anymore, a lot of people will starve to death all over the planet when the Federal Reserve fake money collapses.
And for those of us who cannot afford silver and gold:
-co-op with others when buying food
-share a garden
-buy second-hand if at all possible
-learn to comes in handy when altering secondhand clothing...or recylcing fabric.
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