Paradise Lost

They took away our gold and gave us paper money. Told us, this was progress, the great new day. Everything would get better on the paper money, you'll see. You won't need that old gold anymore.
But they didn't tell us that paper money was old, too. They didn't tell us that every paper money system ever tried failed... Hundreds of times. They didn't tell us that the inflationary effect of the usury currency would rob the people of their wealth and give it to the banks. Ahh, but we were supposed to know better.
When the nation was set up, we did know better. They tried paper money in the colonies. It failed. Then they tried it again with the revolution. It failed again. So when they drew up the Constitution they designed hard currency; precious metals weighed out by Congress to provide the new nation with a solid currency. No more paper money.
Roll over...
But the British banks were not about to give up their investments that easily. And money is slicker than oil, where there's a will, there's a way. No sooner than the ink was dry on the Constitutional coin, Alexander Hamilton proposed that we abandon it and set up a central bank. Does that sound like a contradiction? Does a central bank oppose the Constitutional coin? Thomas Jefferson thought so! Was Hamilton right? Was Jefferson mistaken?
Let me talk to you like you are small children, devoid of the tiniest understanding, absolutely and completely clueless. Allow me to do this. Because you are! The banks raise us that way, and that is our pathetic condition. We stand by and allow them to rip us off, utterly waste us, rob us blind, and we just let them. Then we go home, smile, and think life is good.
Let me open your little eyes. Jefferson was fighting for the nation, fighting for the Republic, fighting to keep it. Hamilton was a pawn of the bankers and lawyers, the British usurpation of the new republic; and it wasn't just British money that wanted to bankroll America. Who ever's money you use becomes your master. Jefferson wanted the United States to stand on their own two feet, and Hamilton made them bow to the European powers instead.
Fools. You've sold yourselves for naught. You've given away your birthright. You've been stripped and whipped and laughed to derision and don't even know it. The paper money in your pocket takes your land, your jobs, your kids, your hopes and dreams and deposits them in the hands of the rich. What's worse, this is the oldest trick in the book, it's been pulled hundreds of times, and we fell for it again! The bankers took all the gold because gold is worthless and gave us all this precious paper because they are generous; yep the fools are stuck with all our gold while we have their paper in our pockets. Why do you suppose they took all our gold? Those dumb bankers, they must think gold is worth something. Thank you FDR for taking all our gold; yeah I know, he only took 99% of it; we can buy a few ounces, whatever. Tell me again that Hamilton was right... Tell me we don't need real money, silver and gold, tell me how this paper doesn't rip us off... And then tell me how many trillions of dollars the bankers have printed up in the last decade. Don't know? Why not? Oh that's right, you was robbed blind, and left blind, bankers do not tell you what they are doing to you, they just do it.
There's only so much gold and silver. But we can print up an endless flow of paper. After I pay you any given amount for your toil and sweat this week, how about if I go in my back room and print ten million for myself for every dollar I paid you? I just took your week's work, your wife, your kids, your land, your smile, and anything else of yours I want. It's that easy.
I'm a banker by profession. I'm the only born again minister Loan officer I've ever met. Every year, I learn more about paper. It's all paper. FDR froze all the banks in the land two days after he took the oath of the highest office in the land, then promptly confiscated all the gold in the nation. Never gave it back either. So, who has it today? Go ahead little child, tell me what they taught you in school, it's all in Fort Knox, right? Let's be honest, it's been stolen. It's been 72 years, sweetheart. Has it dawned on you yet, that you've been took? That gold isn't coming back. America is the only nation in the history of the world where every citizen was robbed of all his gold all at once by the government!
So, show me your money. Not that worthless paper, show me your gold and silver. How many bars of gold in the house? None? Fools.
In your lifetime you will never learn one tenth the banking it takes to understand how you are being ripped off. Paper money is raping this nation and taking everything. Soon the paper itself will collapse, and as we sink into the facism that has it's grips on us, we still won't even know what happened to us. And as every freedom the Constitution gave us is taken away by evil men who enslave us through the paper money in your pocket, and as the state takes away homes and businesses and tosses her citizens in the streets, and as rich men rebuild castles and bar out the serfs from the fruits of their own labor, look at that counterfeit money in your pocket, and start to realize the truth; you've been robbed!
Greetings and salutations Days! said a mouthful there brother.
Day in and day out we strive on the treadmill of compliance and futility for the pockets of the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Morgans. It's amazing to me that they have not yet been hunted down and put to death but they hide behind the governments that they buy.
At least Putin has wised up. He is tossing the IMF out on its aspidiferous! You know that its only a matter of time before they attack.
Wow was this ever prescient
... How many Americans were foreclosed in the 10 years between my post and your reply? About 16 million.
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