A Higher View

Consider the Lilly and moth debate of Madagascar. Darwin rightly and boldly launched the idea that their must exist a moth with a minimum 12 inch sucker that could reach the nectar buried deep inside that Lilly. The simplistic mind set of evolutionists is that the genesis of this specialized species happens magically in response to the environment, which also appeared magically on it's own. Both the appearing of this incredibly engineered Lilly and the matching moth design that could not have any other use in nature are living proof of intelligent design. But rather than face this, the evolutionists immediately submerge into argument and ridicule; thinking this refusal to face facts is somehow representative of higher learning. Since the species itself can not intelligently shape it's own development; the bottom line in evolutionists' argument is to credit intelligent design to "nature". How much higher is this viewpoint that Creationists? In a nutshell, the evolutionist has taken the accomplishments of God and credited them to his created works; claiming that the earth is mysteriously self engineering and possesses the attributes of a divine hand in and of itself; which then proves that such a divine hand doesn't exist in heaven. In short, the evidence of God's hand at work in his handiwork is taken as an attribute of the handiwork and the conclusion is that the hand exists only in nature and the connection with heaven is severed.
The evolutionists prove themselves to be hopelessly fighting God with God's own witnesses. They resurrect the engineering in nature as a self-contained attribute. But in so doing they confess that intelligent design and ongoing engineering exists. Well, it is so obvious, and besides, it is tough to call Einstein a fool with no understanding. The problem with their argument is the old dilemma of denying that God exists while acknowledging his testimony. If nature somehow was imbued with intelligent design and an ongoing ability to self engineer her species; we have come full circle to the altar of the unknown god. We have the report of God's hand at work, we simply deny it is God's hand, yet we embrace the work. So what is this mysterious work? Well, it is nature. And what is this mysterious god that you label "nature"? Well, it is the same old God of creation: but this time we don't want to confess him... so we bundle up intelligent design and ongoing engineering and we label the same old handwork of Genesis as "nature". Having stolen the Master's skill set, we now deny his existance and then we rear the altar of the unknown god; all our specials on TV and our published works of higher education.
woah. great essay.
welcome to the blog, days!
a blogger who leaves behind a napping cat... you are special!
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I was hoping to see what your favorite bands were.
profile? I don't need no stinking profile!
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